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Mountain State Hare Scramble Pre-Registration
Rules & Directions


1.  Pre-Registration is for riders who have raced at least 1 race during the series. New riders need to sign up at the race track.

2.  If you identify any errors associated with your race entry, please contact

3.  Any transponder labeled "Event Scoring" or with a prefix of "E55" will work with our system. Be sure to type in the ENTIRE transponder number when registering online. ** YOU MUST REGISTER WITH THE TRANSPONDER THAT IS ON YOUR HELMET. IF THE TRANSPONDER YOU REGISTER WITH DOES NOT MATCH WHAT IS ON YOUR HELMET, YOU WILL NOT BE SCORED**

4.  If you do not have a transponder, you may purchase one for $5.00 at Registration.

5.  You are REQUIRED to check in with Registration BEFORE your race. There will be a designated Pre-Registration line at the Registration Trailer. *If you do not check-in, you will be removed from the event and NOT scored*

6.  All riders under the age of 18 MUST have a minor release form filled out and signed by an adult before you will receive your Pre-Registration Envelope.

7.  Your Pre-Registration Envelope will include the following:
     - Rider Number Stickers
     - Class Sticker
     - Transponder (if needed)

8. Pre-Reg closes Thursday at 9:00 pm the weekend of the event.

9. If you pre-register, and cannot attend that round, your pre-registration may be rolled over ONCE to the very next round or refunded.

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